Wednesday, July 29, 2009

that's enough Rain I Think

It's been raining non-stop all week. I don't mind the cooler weather but the pressure system is killing me.
I burst into tears yesterday - complete build up over the past few days and it finally all came out. I feel - better?
A nice thing - an older couple on the bus were reading an article I'd written for a local magazine. When I told them I'd written it they were very impressed, and read my bio from the masthead out loud. "The gal who wrote this is sitting right next to us! Imagine that!"
The man sounded like my grandpa who has been gone for six years. I missed him a lot in that moment. He would have said the same thing, and been just as proud.
Then I burst into weeping at the doctor's office - because my blood pressure is slightly elevated. And the funny thing was what i was incoherently sobbing was that I knew it was ridiculous to be crying over this, that it wasn't a big deal etc etc but for some reason that is what put me over the edge.
I have a guardian angel cat. Well, he's the neighbour's cat (I think) he is all black with green eyes. He looks like someone called central casting and requested a witch's cat.
I hate cats.
For some reason this one has 'adopted" me - it seems that the days I am down or edgy or whatever - the days I am not right - he is on my doorstep, waiting for me to get home, and tries to come in with me. And I explain that he does not live here, and to go away and he does. And I have named him Winky (in the hopes of shaming him into going away...). But he kind of makes me smile.
Last night was a strange night after that whole day, long time on the phone with a friend etc. so I went out to the balcony for a cigarette. Forgot my lighter inside and went back to get it. When I sat down again I noticed the spare room curtains were moving. Winky had gone inside while I had, and headed into the spare room where I found him stretched out on the windowsill. And I explained again (after saying hello) that he could not stay there as he did not live there. And so he jumped down, strolled back through my room and headed out to the balcony.

What a weird cat. He must be weird, because he's the first cat I've ever liked.


  1. I can understand crying because someone who reminded you of your grandfather was so proud of your success. The black cat is another story because I'm a dog person!

  2. that's the thing Susan - I'm absolutely a dog person - I can't stand cats, which is why this one is puzzling me so much lol!
