Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why I Don't Have Time to Be Flat

I mentioned earlier the specialist I saw said I would "just have to deal with" being flat for a while while my meds adjusted. And I said I didn't have time to be flat.
Today I am sourcing bicycling nudists, synchronized swimmers and a remote controlled airplane pilot. For my job.
Like I said, I don't have time to be flat.


  1. No, you should not be OK with being "flat." If this happens to my patients, we usually switch medications or adjust the dose. I believe that the medication should follow your needs and not the other way around. How much do you like your psychiatrist?

  2. Just found your site. Looks inactive, but I had to say that the feeling of not having time to be flat is very familiar. For me, it's not about being busy at work, but about my life passing by with so little joy. If I don't get better soon, I sometimes think, I'll miss the whole experience of being alive. It's easy to say, "I'll accept feeling rotten," but it's harder to really be OK with it.
